File an economic disclosure form for public officials (FPPC Form 700)
What is a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700)?
The Form 700 is a form promulgated by the Fair Political Practices Commission, the state agency responsible for the administration of the Political Reform Act. The Form 700 is a public document composed of a Cover Page and different Schedules for individuals to report different types of personal financial interests:
- Cover Page
- Schedule A-1 (Investments)
- Schedule A-2 (Business Entities/Trusts)
- Schedule B (Real Property)
- Schedule C (Income, Loans, and Business Positions)
- Schedule D (Gifts)
- Schedule E (Travel Payments)
Who Must File a Form 700?
- Elected and appointed officials and candidates listed in Government Code section 87200;
- Employees working in a position designated in their agency’s conflict of interest code; and
- Consultants as defined in California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 18700.3
For What Agencies is the County of Santa Clara Clerk of the Board the Filing Officer for Form 700s?
The County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors is the code-reviewing body for the conflict of interest codes for:
- any county agency (other than the board of supervisors, or any agency of the judicial branch of government); and
- any local government agency, other than a city agency, with jurisdiction wholly within the county.
The Clerk of the Board is the filing officer for the Form 700s of the above agencies’ filers. (Exception: The Fair Political Practices Commission is the filing officer for officials who hold position titles specifically listed in Government Code section 87200.)
How to File a Form 700
Filers may complete their Form 700 online! The County of Santa Clara uses eDisclosure, which fills out the Cover Page of the Form 700 accurately for filers and assists filers in filling out their form.
Complete the Form 700 Online with eDisclosure
Filers are strongly encouraged to e-file their Form 700s, to reduce the chance of submitting a Form that is not completed properly and requires corrections before the Form can be deemed filed. If a filer chooses to complete the Form 700 in paper format, the filer must be sure to accurately complete the cover page information with their name as entered in eDisclosure; their agency name and position title as listed on their agency's conflict of interest code; and their jurisdiction, type of statement and dates covered, number of pages and schedules completed, and verification information. The filer must submit the original, wet signature paper Form 700 to their agency’s filing official. The filing official will retain a copy for the agency’s records and forward the original to the County Clerk of the Board.
When Must the Form 700 Be Filed?
- Upon Assuming Office: Within 30 days of assuming a position that is required to file. (There is generally an exception if moving from one designated position to another designated position within the agency.)
- Annually: By April 1 (or the next business day if April 1 falls on a weekend).
- Upon Leaving Office: Within 30 days of assuming or leaving a position that is required to file. (There is generally an exception if moving from one designated position to another designated position within the agency.)
There is no provision for filing deadline extensions. Statements that are mailed and postmarked by the filing deadline are considered filed on time.
How Can a Filer Amend a Form 700?
A filer may submit an Amendment to a Form 700 (assuming, annual, or leaving) at any time if the filer discovers errors or omissions. The Amendment should be filed as soon as the filer discovers the error. A filer does not need to re-complete the entire Form 700. eDisclosure allows filers to complete an Amendment form for any previous filing in eDisclosure’s records and will automatically provide the filer with the correct Amendment form.
If a filer chooses to complete an Amendment by paper, the filer must use the correct year’s version of the Amendment. Each Schedule of the Form 700 has an “Amendment” version with its own verification box. Filers may obtain Amendment Schedules from their local agency’s filing official or interactively on the Fair Political Practices Commission website.
Helpful Resources
- County of Santa Clara Form 700 Filer Reference
- eDisclosure Overview
- FAQ – Form 700 Disclosure
- Form 700 Instruction Pages Only
- Form 700 Reference Pamphlet
- Limitations and Restrictions on Gifts, Honoraria, Travel, and Loans
- Updating Information in Verification Section of Form 700
- Fair Political Practices Commission Codes
Additional contact information
A filer may contact the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) via telephone or email for informal advice regarding the Form 700. A filer will need to have his position’s disclosure category requirements when calling or emailing in order for the FPPC to provide assistance. For more information please contact:
Fair Political Practices Commission
Phone: (866) 275-3772
Email: [email protected]